AMV Studio 5.0 is a program to edit and convert AMV videos.

Download link is unavailable since the product is discontinued.

AMV Studio 5.0 is a program to edit and convert AMV videos.
This is the free version. Upon installation, the program claims that you can buy the professional version for USD 6,58 at, but this site doesn´t exist anymore.

AMV Studio is no longer developed. The same apply for Sound Edit, an audio plugin also offered.
AMV is the video format used with the low-line, mostly Chinese, MP4 players. This program allows you to convert video files so they can be played on those devices, through the AMV Studio Converter. You will be able to convert any .AVI, .MPG, .MPEG, .DAT, .WMA, .WMV, .ASF, .RM, .RAM, .RMVB, .VOB, .MOV or .QT to the AMV file format, reducing the size of the video to fit the tiny screens present in MP4 players. The converted files will also me much smaller than the original ones. You will be able to select the screen size of the target file, the frames per second, and the bps rate for the audio. You will even be able to replace the audio in the file with audio from another file. Once the conversion is ready, the AMV Studio Player will play the resulting file.
The rest of the buttons are disabled, at least in this free version.


  • It does a good job converting videos to the AMV format
  • In fact, the programs that come bundled with the MP4 devices are almost identical to the AMV programs


  • Most of the other characteristics are disabled
This program received 3 awards
Download link is unavailable since the product is discontinued.
Callum Haywood
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